Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Initial Sketches

Picasso Museum in Barcelona - Inspiration

Chosen Site

1. Site

547 King Street

10.8m by 30m

View Larger Map

 Character of Location

- A raw, rough and dynamic block.

- Vintage feel as a result of the many antique shops adjacent to the site.

- This block is on the way to the main business area of King Street, therefore has a certain ‘hidden’ quality, where the gallery is more of a secret find as people may walk toward the strip of restaurants or need to have heard about.

 Physical Aspects of Location

- Back lane which is quiet due to coming of a suburban street, as well as having some beautiful views into a cluster of trees which add a perfect contrast to the busy urban streetscape.

- Antique surroundings
- Newtown Theatre opposite block

- Cafe on corner
- The site has 2 side streets which enable an ease of parking not possible along most of King Street

- 2 hour parking available opposite gallery, something not always accessable along King Sreet.

- Bus stop opposite site

- A beautiful green park on the corner where discussions could be held in the urban scene of Newtown.

Project 3 - My Focus and Choices

1. Nature of Artwork Displayed

 Matisse

- Bold Abstract Painting

(147.3 x 100 cm)

(116 x 82 cm)

- More intimate studies

(24.5 x 17.5 cm)

(52.5 X 40.5 cm)

(24.5 x 17.5 cm) and (38.5 x 29.5 cm)

2. Narrative of Gallery (story of the art dealer)

 A female art dealer with the desire to create a specified spatial experience where the viewer enters an intimate ‘treasure house’ (a term mentioned in Xing’s initial project 3 lecture).
 Alluring architecture should enhance the experience of viewing both dramatic, bright abstract paintings as well as small expressive studies.
 The woman lives alone as she creates an unexpected environment for one to stumble upon at the bottom end of King Street.
The art dealer promotes the art works in two main ways, by designing intense viewing galleries with surreal ‘landscaped’ internal spaces which project a sense of anticipation as well as large entertaining areas both in the living area and in the gallery itself.

Monday, May 5, 2008