1. Site
547 King Street
10.8m by 30m
View Larger Map Character of Location
- A raw, rough and dynamic block.

- Vintage feel as a result of the many antique shops adjacent to the site.

- This block is on the way to the main business area of King Street, therefore has a certain ‘hidden’ quality, where the gallery is more of a secret find as people may walk toward the strip of restaurants or need to have heard about.
Physical Aspects of Location
- Back lane which is quiet due to coming of a suburban street, as well as having some beautiful views into a cluster of trees which add a perfect contrast to the busy urban streetscape.

- Antique surroundings
- Newtown Theatre opposite block

- Cafe on corner
- The site has 2 side streets which enable an ease of parking not possible along most of King Street

- 2 hour parking available opposite gallery, something not always accessable along King Sreet.

- Bus stop opposite site

- A beautiful green park on the corner where discussions could be held in the urban scene of Newtown.