This image reveals how interestingly an elevator can be applied to a building, on the outside and not the conventional interior. This creates an engaging view and light quality for the space/elevator.

The 'cap' like additions to these elevators adds a degree of difference between it and more conventional elevators where you never get to see its actual shape or movement. I like the idea of creating a shape through the function of an elevator, moving up and down between a space to add depth, movement and action.

Despite this image not specifically being an elevator, I believe the shape of the train station effectively draws the viewers eye into the space, creating movement toward a specific point. This could be applied to an elevator through the 'tunnel' through which it moves, perhaps being in an enclosed space like most other conventional elevators yet being transparent so as to see the space the viewer is actually moving through.

I found this image quite evocative, depicting an abstract concept of an elevator, due to being developed as a space elevator. This image reminds me that within a personal working space, the elevator does not necassarily need to accomodate more than 1/2 people, therefore its size, shape and movement can be highly experimental.

Again, I like this idea of transparent elevators, allowing the user to observe their direct surroundings and increase the sensory experience of using an elevator by not only feeling its movement, but seeing it also.

The wire frame design of this elevator looks quite raw and unadorned, not attempting to disguise its functino but exposing and highlighting it, almost reflecting the idea of not hiding one's power.
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